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You, Me & ChatGPT

Have you heard of ChatGPT? Of course you have. It's the latest buzzword in the digital marketing world, and it's already changing the game as we know it. ChatGPT is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI,…

Do we skip ads on sight?

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TikTok has become an indispensable tool in the advertising industry, and our dependence on it continues to rise. However, compared to our fast-commerce cousin America, we are still operating in an early-maturity phase. Of TikTok’s 100 million…

How to Create Valuable Content for TikTok

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Ah, TikTok. Give an inch, give a mile. TikTok users approach content in a very different way than other channels. Users are served content without the need to select or seek with intent. Instead, the platform serves content that is performing…

Damn Good in the Making

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Damn Good was born out of the high-powered Melbourne digital marketing agency, Social Garden. After a decade in the property and education market, our team has evolved into a highly effective marketing machine. We’ve found ourselves rolling…